Nach Absage bei Wacken und Summer Breeze: Statement von Death Angel


Viele Fans hatten sich gefreut, Death Angel diesen Sommer auf Tour zu sehen. Doch die Band sagte vor einigen Tagen ihre für den Sommer geplante Tour ab.

In ihrem Statement auf Facebook, verfasst von Sänger Mark Osegueda, sagt die Band, dass die Absage der Tour nichts mit bandinternen Dingen zu tun hat.

Vielmehr waren die geschäftlichen Beziehungen, die die Band pflegt, Schuld an der Absage. Die Weise, mit der die Band behandelt worden wäre, stehe in keinem Verhältnis zu dem, was sie leistet, so das Statement. Nun sei es an der Zeit gewesen, das Business-Team von Death Angel neu aufzustellen.

Hätte man weitergemacht wie bisher, wäre der Kern der Band beschädigt worden – und das wollten Death Angel verhindern.

Außerdem teilt die Band mit, dass ihr Auftritt auf dem in Frankreich stattfindenden Hellfest nicht abgesagt werden würde und sie dort einen Gig spielen werden, der allen Kritikern zeigen werde, dass Death Angel noch lange nicht fertig sind.

Das Statement im Original:

„It’s with a heavy heart I have to inform you that the rumors you are hearing are unfortunately true…Although there is a platinum lining to this black cloud of Death Angel’s 2014 summer festival season.
The Platinum lining is that we are very proud to announce that DEATH ANGEL WILL be playing HellFest this year! Hellfest will have the exclusive European Death Angel show this summer!
However! Our billing on that festival has been updated.
We will now be playing on Sunday June 22! (The Black Sabbath day!) On main stage #1 in place of Megadeth who unfortunately had to cancel…and we plan to give that slot on the bill, and you metal fans the damage it deserves!
The Dark cloud I must announce is the rest of our summer tour has been cancelled…And cancelled by us.
I assure you this has NOTHING to do with the structure, or strength of the band itself! We feel the band is at its live performing peak riding on the wave of our latest Album, The Dream Calls for Blood!
It boils down to the infrastructure of the business side of this band…
Certain aspects of how this band was being handled were no longer matching up to the quality level of product we are releasing, and the live shows we’ve been unleashing!
And if we carried on that way any longer it would have damaged the core of what is us, and that is The Band! 
So we are taking this time to restructure our business team to make DEATH ANGEL the strongest band that we can possibly be from the outside to the core!
The lineup is intact! The hunger is voracious! And we will be back in Europe with a full blown tour when we feel confident that we have the full arsenal, and team behind us that this band, and it’s music, and most of all you fans deserve!
We are doing all we can to expedite this process!
I know some of you will not understand this aspect of the art form known as music! But! It is a business. And hasty business choices in this art has brought down bigger than us….And we have NO intentions of being brought down!
Some of you will have negative comments, and thoughts…
But! Believe me! No one is more saddened, and disappointed about these cancellations than us…
And if you have ever seen us live I’m sure you can attest to our love for being on stage!
That being said! We’ll see you at HELLFEST!
And we plan on giving you a performance that night that will convince the naysayers that DEATH ANGEL is here to stay!
And a force to be reckoned with!
The Dream Calls for Blood!
And Death Angel is still bleeding!
Thank you!
Mark Osegueda“

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