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Streit um Satanic Warmaster-Absage fürs Hellfest


Ein offizielles Statement der Hellfest-Macher, warum Satanic Warmaster nun nicht spielen dürfen, wurde jetzt während eines Interviews abgegeben. Demnach seien politische Überzeugungen relativ egal, die Entscheidung fuße ausschließlich auf der Überzeugung, dass es für die Ruhe auf dem Festival besser sei, wenn Satanic Warmaster nicht spielen:

„The Hellfest has decided independently and in all conscience to cancel SATANIC WARMASTER’s performance. This decision was in no way caused by the pressure received by various small groups against the event.

We had decided to confirm this artist when we noticed a strong demand.

The ideology and political values adopted by some artists have never been selection criteria for the festival; we leave the right to each and everyone to forge their own opinions about the artists performing at the festival, and we are not bringing our event on political grounds which have nothing to do with the music. However, we have received a large number of complaints partly from festival-goers but also from artists, considering this artist to be conflicting with the festival’s state of mind, and ready to settle things with a fight.

We are not here to take position in this debate. The Hellfest is a celebration above all else, its purpose is not to divide, but to unite an audience under a single banner: passion for heavy music.

It appears to be impossible to find an adequate solution without risking irreversible damage or violent comportments during the festival which is to take place next June.

The Hellfest’s purpose isn’t to judge one’s opinions, but to insure a peaceful and friendly gathering. Consequently, we have decided to cancel SATANIC WARMASTER’s performance in order to insure order and safety during the festival. Clan wars related to difference of opinion do not have their place at the Hellfest.

The festival would like to apologize to fans of this artist, and wishes to reaffirm its independent and apolitical position. We will not jeopardize this event that has taken years to develop for reasons which are unrelated to music and have nothing to do with the purpose of this festival.“

Diesem Statement ging ein langes Statement mit Vorwürfen und Mutmaßungen von Satanic Warmaster voraus, die sich als Opfer einer Intrige sahen:

„It is a disappointment (despite being totally expected) to see such mentality still present in the ‚individualist‘ and ‚free-thinking‘ metal community that any musical act can still be boycotted because of false preconceptions and arbitrary political motivations of other, ‚bigger‘ artists. It is also more than amusing to see that the censorship and boycott some of the French authorities tried to push on the festival earlier are now excercised by the festival organization itself.

Obviously, because I have never upheld any modern taboos or lived my life as an apologetic dabbler, it makes me also a target for politically motivated artists to keep us from playing because of their self-righteous reasons. Any artist can be put on a mock trial by taking words out of their context without thinking of the actual message, and Satanic Warmaster once again hangs crucified by hysterics driven by the love for a world and values I feel no oneness with.

Everyone who has even slightest interest in this musical style knows what black metal is about, and in that light only a moralist or someone with a very extreme double standard can say that Satanic Warmaster is in some manner different from other artists of the genre.

It makes me want to puke for making a statement like this, which is almost something that a politician would do, but to clear some things, it was mandatory to bite the bullet this time.

Just to make sure everyone has their labels right, Satanic Warmaster’s ideology is Satanism and music style black metal. Whoever claims otherwise does so only because of personal feelings and/or resentment.“

Welche Seite nachvollziehbarer argumentiert, bleibt nun der privaten Entscheidung eines jeden Fans überlassen.

Wacken Open Air 2024: Alle Infos zum Festival

Wacken Open Air Datum Das Wacken Open Air findet vom 31.07. bis zum 03.08.2024 statt. Veranstaltungsort Das Wacken Open Air hat seinen Namen von seinem Veranstaltungsort: Denn das W:O:A findet in Wacken statt, einem kleinen Ort in Schleswig-Holstein. Adresse: Hauptstraße 47 24869 Wacken Preise & Tickets Das Wacken Open Air 2024 ist ausverkauft.   Bands In dieser Liste gibt es regelmäßige Updates – neu hinzugekommene Bands sind fett markiert. The 69 Eyes Accept Alcatrazz Alligatoah The Amity Affliction Amon Amarth Ankor April Art Architects Armored Saint Asagraum Asenblut As Everything Unfolds Asrock Avantasia The Baboon Show Sebastian Bach (35th Anniversary…
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