Metallica brauchen Fan-Unterstützung für Buch


Neues Monsterprojekt aus dem Hause Metallica: Zum anstehenden Jubiläum ihres Albums MASTER OF PUPPETS 2016 soll ein Buch erscheinen, das den Aufnahmeprozess sowie die anschließende Tour dokumentiert. Für das Buch werden Metallica mit Matt Taylor zusammenarbeiten, der bereits „Jaws: Memories from Martha’s Vineyard“ über die Entstehung des Kultfilms geschrieben hat.

Neben Interviews mit der Band, Managern und damaligen Weggefährten soll das Buch Fan-Material enthalten. Die Band ruft nun dazu auf, Fotos und Stories aus der Zeit der MASTER OF PUPPETS-Tour einzusenden.

Lest den kompletten Aufruf von hier:

„Earlier this year we were contacted by author and major Metallica fan Matt Taylor, who wrote the critically acclaimed, award winning and much respected account of Steven Spielberg’s escapades as he was making his ground-breaking film “Jaws” on the island of Martha’s Vineyard in 1974. Matt came to us with a proposal to tell the definitive story of “Master of Puppets” and the subsequent tour that followed its release and when we took a spin through “Jaws: Memories From Martha’s Vineyard” we were so blown away by the presentation, thorough coverage, and attention to detail that went into it, we knew he was the man to help us celebrate the upcoming 30th anniversary of that release. As some of you keen observers may have noted, we have not been involved with most of the other books out there about Metallica, but we just had to work with Matt ‘cause his first book is so damn cool!

Matt has been very busy doing extensive interviews with all of us, our managers, record company staff, people we hung with then and Cliff’s dad Ray, who has graciously given us some of his time. However Matt is still out there with his trusty recorder and scanner looking for more stories and photos. Just as he did with “Jaws,” Matt’s plan for the “Master of Puppets” book is to lean heavily on amateur fan taken photos and stories reflecting the grassroots vibe of the time, so this is where you come in. Were you there in 1986? Snuck a camera into a show or two? Ran into us at a record store or in the bar? Have a funny story about getting to the gig or photos of you and your pals there? We want them all!! Cropped, blurred, overexposed? We’ll take ‘em! No photographs, anecdotes, or stories are too insignificant. We want YOU to be a part of this book!

Please e-mail us at to tell us your story and receive more info about submitting photos. All submissions must be from your own personal collection… we can only use snapshots that YOU took. Remember, we want everything! No story or snapshot is too small or trivial.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, we are planning to have it all put together and ready for your eyes in the Fall of 2015. And click here to check out Matt’s first book, “Jaws: Memories From Martha’s Vineyard.”“

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Metallica: Jason Bittner ist stets pro Lars Ulrich

Es kommt immer wieder vor, dass Leute über das schludrige Schlagzeugspiel von Metallica-Trommler Lars Ulrich meckern. Shadows Fall-Drummer Jason Bittner will darin während der neuesten Folge von ‘Troy Story: A Podcast For The Collar City’ nicht vollends miteinstimmen. Stattdessen betont der 54-Jährige, wie sehr er Ulrich als Mensch schätzt. Kein Rock-Star-Gehabe Konkret drehte sich diese Folge um das einzige Metallica-Konzert im RPI Field House am 15. März 1989 in der Stadt Troy im US-Bundesstaat New York. Bittner war hierbei mit von der Partie und schilderte seine Eindrücke von Metallica und ihrer Vorband Queensrÿche. "Queensrÿche fand ich einfach großartig. Ich fand, dass…
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