Exklusive Judas Priest Vinyl mit dem Metal Hammer 03/24

Primordial Track by Track


What vast lands of meaning can be found in the lyrics of Primordial was always an open secret for their fans. Now Alan „Naihmass Nemtheanga“ Averill writes down a guide to TO THE NAMELESS DEAD:

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I cannot really separate the individual songs. Its really very simple: You say what you mean and mean what you say. Primordial is a continuation of a great Irish literary and musical tradition. We are artists, not entertainers. We are the underdogs, the outsiders, the rebels – always will be.

Without compromise.

All the songs are special because they have some small part of our soul in them. The way music was meant to be. Nothing more and never anything less.

All the songs have special stories. They all mean different things to each of us. You recall arguments in rehearsal. Perhaps hours/days/weeks/months even years spent waiting for the atmospheres to become right – to become Primordial .

Some songs take a day, some take 2 years. There’s no formula. We approach all the albums the same. Its never been any different so in that sense they are all special and have different memories for all of us. Again, personally its just a case of becoming part of the song. Breathing with it…

Quite self explanatory from the title, its about the end of empires. That every empire that has stood strong falls sooner or later. And we are in the age when ours is falling.

It is about faith. About committing yourself to having none, even though it would be of some kind of cold comfort. Heathen is as heathen does !.

We use the historical analogy of Nero, fiddling while Rome burned. Rome is the west and we are Nero. You may look away from the reality but your children will not be able to.

Its again about loosing your faith in people, about lying. About failing people’s expectations in a simple way. Every man is evil and every man a liar.

A very simple song that mentions some of the places we have been, memories that have struck a chord with me. A modern heathen metal anthem

This song is about governments, media, society selling cultures and rewriting history. Its about agenda setting and lies. What is a terrorist and what is a freedom fighter? What is a dictatorship and what is a democracy?

Tell me what nation on this earth is not born of tragedy! This is for all the small nations of this earth that have opposed tyranny…

No compromise. Not then. Not now. Not ever


Ace Frehley: "Ich bin ein fantastischer Songwriter"

In einem Interview mit The Metal Voice hat Ace Frehley Gerüchte zurückgewiesen, dass fast alle Songwriting-Arbeiten an seinem neuesten Album 10.000 VOLTS von seinem Kollaborateur, dem Trixter-Gitarristen Steve Brown, gemacht wurden. „Ich habe mich letztens ziemlich geärgert, als Leute sagten, ich hätte keinen der Songs auf dem Album geschrieben“, erzählt der ehemalige Kiss-Gitarrist im Interview. „Sie sagten, dass alles von Steve Brown war. Und Steve bestätigte das irgendwie, indem er sagte, dass er ungefähr 97 Prozent beigetragen hätte. Das ist aber nicht der Fall. Ich habe ihn angerufen und er hat sich entschuldigt.“ „Steve ist ein wundervoller Typ“, führt Ace…
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